Brian Miller, PhD

Brian Miller, PhD

Clinical Physicist


Dr. Miller earned his PhD from the University of Arizona, College of Optical Sciences in 2011, where his research focused on the development of high-spatial resolution gamma-ray detectors for pre-clincial SPECT and tomographic reconstruction methods using GPUs. Following graduation, he completed a postdoc at the University of Arizona – Center for Gamma-Ray Imaging and in 2012 received a prestigious Linus Pauling post-doctoral fellowship at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory where his research focused on development and applications of high-resolution charge-particle imaging detectors. In 2014 he became a Staff Scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. In 2016 he joined the University of Colorado – Denver as a Medical Physicist resident in Radiation Oncology, and in 2018 he became an Assistant Professor in Radiation Oncology at the University of Colorado – School of Medicine.  

In 2021 he joined the Department of Radiation Oncology at Banner University Medical Center, Tucson and the University of Arizona as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Medical Imaging.

Dr. Miller currently shares clinical responsibilities for external beam radiation therapy. His clinical research interests include development of video-based distraction therapy techniques for pediatric patients, additive manufacturing techniques for brachytherapy, and patient education using virtual reality. Dr. Miller’s general research interests include: targeted radionuclide therapy with alpha and beta emitters, microdosimetry, quantitative digital autoradiography, intravital microscopy, scintillators, and radiation detector development.

Professional Affiliations: 

Diplomate of the American Board of Radiology – Therapeutic Medical Physics


Linus Pauling Distingusied Postdoctoral Fellowship (2012-2015)

University of Arizona – Student Innovator of the Year (2008)


Clinical Practice Sites: 
The University of Arizona Cancer Center - North Campus
Radiation Oncology


Selected Publications: 

A. ̈Orbom, B.  W.  Miller,  and  T.  B ̈ack,  “Handbook  of  Nuclear  Medicine  for  Physicists  –Instrumentation and Image Processing, Chapter 30:  Beta and Alpha Particle Autoradiography,” Taylor & Francis, USA, July, 2021. 

C. S. Vargas, P. Covens, M. D’Huyvetter, V. Caveliers,B. W. Miller, , and L. Struelens, “Multi-regional dosimetry of mouse kidneys for beta-emitters.,”European Journal of Nuclear Medicineand Molecular Imaging,47(Suppl 1), pp. s57–s57, September, 2020.

B.  W.  Miller,  J.  B.  Bowen,  and  E.  C.  Morrison,  “High-Resolution,  Single-Particle  Autora-diography of Actinide Sources Using Microcapillary Array Collimators and the iQID Camera,”Applied Radiation and Isotopes166, pp. 109348, 2020.

Y. Dekempeneer,  V. Caveliers,  M. Ooms,  D. Maertens,  M. Gysemans,  T. Lahoutte,C. Xavier,Q. Lecocq, K. Maes, P. Covens,B. W. Miller, F. Bruchertseifer, A. Morgenstern, T. Cardinaels,and M. D’Huyvetter, “The therapeutic efficacy of 213Bi-labeled sdAbs in a preclinical model ofovarian cancer,”Molecular Pharmaceutics,17(9), pp. 3553–3566, 2020.

A.  Mahl,B.  W.  Miller,  M.  Miften,  and  B.    Jones,  “Optimizing  Coded  Aperture  Imagingtechniques to allow for online tracking of fiducial markers with high energy scattered radiationfrom treatment beam,”Medical Physics47(9), pp. 4428–4438, 2020.

S. O’Steen, M. L. Comstock, J. J. Orozco, D. K. Hamlin, D. S. Wilbur, J. C. Jones, A. Kenoyer,M. E. Nartea, Y. Lin,B. W. Miller, T. A Gooley, S. A. Tuazon, B. G. Till, A. K. Gopal, B. M.Sandmaier,  O.  W.  Press,  and  D.  J.  Green  “Theα-emitter  astatine-211  targeted  to  CD38  caneradicate  multiple  myeloma  in  a  disseminated  disease  model,”Blood134(15),  pp.  1247–1256, 2019.

W.  Hofmann,  W.  B.  Li,  W.  Friedland,B.  W.  Miller,  B.  Madas,  M.  Bardi`es,  I.  Bal ́ash ́azy“Internal  microdosimetry  of  alpha-emitting  radionuclides,”Radiation  and  Environmental  Bio-physics341, pp. 1–34, 2019.

G. Tabatadze,B. W. Miller, and S. Tolmachev, “Mapping Am-241 Spatial Distribution withinAnatomical Bone Structures using Digital Autoradiography,”Health  Physics117(2), pp. 179–186, 2019.

B. W. Miller, “Radiation Imagers for Quantitative, Single-Particle Digital Autoradiography ofAlpha- and Beta-Particle Emitters, ”Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, 2018.

A. M. Clarke, B. S. McDonald, M. A. Zalavadia, D. M. Kasparek, and B. W. Miller, “Charac-terization of a Large-Area iQID Imager for Safeguards Applications,”Nuclear  Instruments  andMethods  in  Physics  Research  Section  A:  Accelerators,  Spectrometers,  Detectors  and  AssociatedEquipment, 2018.

R.  M.  Asmussen,  C.  I.  Pearce, B.  W.  Miller,  A.  R.  Lawter,  J.  J.  Neeway,  W.  W.  Lukens,M. E. Bowden, M. A. Miller, E. C. Buck, R. J. Serne,et al., “Getters for improved technetiumcontainment  in  cementitious  waste  forms,”Journal  of  Hazardous  Materials341,  pp.  238–247,2018.

S. Lamart, B. W. Miller, A. Van der Meeren, A. Tazrart, J. F. Angulo, and N. M. Griffiths, “Ac-tinide bioimaging in tissues:  Comparison of emulsion and solid track autoradiography techniqueswith the iQID camera,”PloS one12(10), p. e0186370, 2017.

B. W. Miller,  S. H. Frost,  S. L. Frayo,  A. L. Kenoyer,  E. Santos,  J. C. Jones,  D. J. Green,D. K. Hamlin, D. S. Wilbur, D. R. Fisher,et al., “Quantitative single-particle digital autoradiog-raphy withα-particle emitters for targeted radionuclide therapy using the iQID camera,”Medicalphysics42(7), pp. 4094–4105, 2015.

B.  J.  Allen,  T.  B ̈ack,  A.  B.  Brill,  D.  R.  Fisher,  R.  F.  Hobbs,  R.  W.  Howell,  R.  McDevitt,Michael, R. F. Meredith, B. W. Miller, S. Palm, J. C. Roeskell, S. Sofoul, H. Song, G. Sgourous,J. Torgue, and M. R. Zalutsky,MIRD  Monograph:  Radiobiology  and Dosimetry  for  Radiophar-maceuical  Therapy  with  Alpha-Particle  Emitters,  Society  of  Nuclear  Medicine  and  MolecularImaging, 2015.

S. H. Frost,  S. L. Frayo, B. W. Miller,  J. J. Orozco,  G. C. Booth,  M. D. Hylarides,  Y. Lin,D. J. Green, A. K. Gopal, J. M. Pagel, T. A. B ̈ack, D. R. Fisher, and O. W. Press, “Comparativeefficacy  of  177lu  and  90y  for  anti-cd20  pretargeted  radioimmunotherapy  in  murine  lymphomaxenograft models.,”PloS one10(3), p. e0120561, 2015.

J. S. McCloy, M. Bliss, B. W. Miller, Z. Wang, and S. Stave, “Scintillation and luminescence intransparent colorless single and polycrystalline bulk ceramic ZnS,”Journal of Luminescence157,pp. 416–423, 2015.

B. W. Miller, S. J. Gregory, E. S. Fuller, H. H. Barrett, H. Bradford Barber, and L. R. Furenlid,“The iQID camera:  An ionizing-radiation quantum imaging detector,”Nuclear Instruments andMethods  in  Physics  Research  Section  A:  Accelerators,  Spectrometers,  Detectors  and  AssociatedEquipment, 2014.

B.  W.  Miller,  R.  Van  Holen,  H.  H.  Barrett,  and  L.  R.  Furenlid,  “A  system  calibration  andfast iterative reconstruction method for next-generation SPECT imagers,”IEEE  Transactionson Nuclear Science59, pp. 1990–1996, 2012.

B. W. Miller, J. W. Moore, H. H. Barrett, T. Fry, S. Adler, J. Sery, and L. R. Furenlid, “3Dprinting in X-ray and gamma-ray imaging:  A novel method for fabricating high-density imag-ing apertures,”Nuclear  Instruments  and  Methods  in  Physics  Research  Section  A:  Accelerators,Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,2011.

H. Barrett, W. Hunter, B. Miller, S. Moore, Y. Chen, and L. Furenlid, “Maximum-likelihoodmethods for processing signals from gamma-ray detectors,”Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactionson56, pp. 725–735, June 2009.

B. W. Miller, H. H. Barrett, L. R. Furenlid, H. B. Barber, and R. J. Hunter, “Recent advancesin BazookaSPECT: Real-time data processing and the development of a gamma-ray microscope,”Nuclear Inst.  and Methods in Physics Research, A591(1), pp. 272–275, 2008.